Handwerk, Haus & Bau
Ausbau & Installation
Sanierung, Renovierung & Modernisierung
Hausverwaltung sucht
Inserent | Auftragsbank.de |
Ort | 68309, Mannheim - BW |
Inseriert am | 28.12.2016 |
Suchwörter | Hausverwaltung, Bauunternehmer, Balkonsanierung |
Hausverwaltung sucht kostengünstige Bauunternehmer für langfristige Zusammenarbeit
- Planungen für 2017
- Fassadenrenovierung und Balkonsanierung in 68309 Mannheim
- Fassadenrenovierung, Balkonsanierung, Innenhofausbau in Rheinland-Pfalz ( 80 Kilometer von Mannheim)
Es ist vorgesehen, dass in der ersten Februarwoche Lokaltermine an den beiden Standorten stattfinden, wo einzelne Vorhaben vorbesprochen werden können. Es werden maximal fünf Firmen eingeladen. Bitte bewerben Sie sich mit einem ausführlichen Profil sowie Angeben zu Stundensätzen und ggf. Referenzprojekten. Bewerbungen bitte in Deutsch oder Englisch.
Auf gute Zusammenarbeit!
Property Management Company is seeking for cooperation partners for a long-term relationship. We manage properties across Germany and are aiming to start our relationship with two facilities which are in proximity. The first facility is situated in 68309 Mannheim and the second one 80 Kilometers far away from Mannheim in Rheinland Pfalz.
In Mannheim we aim to re-paint the face of a three story building and some other associated refurbishments like painting the guard railing at the balconies and some minor re-constructions of the balconies. The building was built in 1995 and has 63 flats.
At the other location the face needs to be painted as well but needs some more preparation work since the houses were not maintained sine its construction year of 1995. Furthermore, the balconies are in a terrible state and have experiences some damages by water. Furthermore, some water damages need to be taken care of inside the building. Preventing further damages the inner courtyard needs to be built (never was), which requires a drainage line and paving. The three buildings contain 35 flats. Later on, it is discussed to build three more houses but no decision is taken yet.
We will invite five companies at the beginning of February for a local visit in order to prepare for an offering. Costs are a concern and so is quality and the comply with the German administration and laws.
Please introduce your company to us, stating your abilities, experiences and also commercials to the extent possible. The invitations for site visits will be in the first or second week of February. At least one person should speak English, German would be a plus
Hausverwaltung sucht kostengünstige Bauunternehmer für langfristige Zusammenarbeit
- Planungen für 2017
- Fassadenrenovierung und Balkonsanierung in 68309 Mannheim
- Fassadenrenovierung, Balkonsanierung, Innenhofausbau in Rheinland-Pfalz ( 80 Kilometer von Mannheim)
Es ist vorgesehen, dass in der ersten Februarwoche Lokaltermine an den beiden Standorten stattfinden, wo einzelne Vorhaben vorbesprochen werden können. Es werden maximal fünf Firmen eingeladen. Bitte bewerben Sie sich mit einem ausführlichen Profil sowie Angeben zu Stundensätzen und ggf. Referenzprojekten. Bewerbungen bitte in Deutsch oder Englisch.
Auf gute Zusammenarbeit!
Property Management Company is seeking for cooperation partners for a long-term relationship. We manage properties across Germany and are aiming to start our relationship with two facilities which are in proximity. The first facility is situated in 68309 Mannheim and the second one 80 Kilometers far away from Mannheim in Rheinland Pfalz.
In Mannheim we aim to re-paint the face of a three story building and some other associated refurbishments like painting the guard railing at the balconies and some minor re-constructions of the balconies. The building was built in 1995 and has 63 flats.
At the other location the face needs to be painted as well but needs some more preparation work since the houses were not maintained sine its construction year of 1995. Furthermore, the balconies are in a terrible state and have experiences some damages by water. Furthermore, some water damages need to be taken care of inside the building. Preventing further damages the inner courtyard needs to be built (never was), which requires a drainage line and paving. The three buildings contain 35 flats. Later on, it is discussed to build three more houses but no decision is taken yet.
We will invite five companies at the beginning of February for a local visit in order to prepare for an offering. Costs are a concern and so is quality and the comply with the German administration and laws.
Please introduce your company to us, stating your abilities, experiences and also commercials to the extent possible. The invitations for site visits will be in the first or second week of February. At least one person should speak English, German would be a plus
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