Industrie, Gewerbe & Logistik Herstellung, Verarbeitung & Handel Textilien & Bekleidung

Making an elastic band - sewing contractor

Inserent Kontakt freischalten
Ort 90411, Nürnberg - BY
Inseriert am 10.03.2025
Auftragswert 150.000,00 EUR
we are looking for a company that offers contract sewing. In Poland, Bulgaria or Turkey. We need a small accessory made of elastic webbing in high quantities. It has to be sewn with two simple seams. The material will be provided by us. Sometimes 10,000 pieces are needed and sometimes 100-500 pieces (with special branding). The standards for the cleanliness of the details are high. I look forward to your feedback.
Best regards...
Inserent & Kontakt
Anzeigen-ID: 169883
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