Handwerk, Haus & Bau
Ausbau & Installation
Solar- & Photovoltaikanlagen
Photovoltaic installations in B&L
Inserent | Kontakt freischalten |
Ort | Luxemburg |
Inseriert am | 01.12.2022 |
Suchwörter | Website, Check, Subcontractor |
Dear mounting partner,
As next year seems to become a very successful PV year, we are looking for a further subcontractor with a 3-5 man team for the complete DC part of our PV projects in Luxembourg and East-Belgium.
Check our website for some of our latest references.
The biggest part of the projects will be installations from 200-1.500 kWp with short rail on metal sheet roof or on flat roof with east-west-systems.
If you are interested in such a collaboration, feel free to contact me to get further informations.
A first test can be done in January/February on a 150-250 kWp project in East-Belgium…
As next year seems to become a very successful PV year, we are looking for a further subcontractor with a 3-5 man team for the complete DC part of our PV projects in Luxembourg and East-Belgium.
Check our website for some of our latest references.
The biggest part of the projects will be installations from 200-1.500 kWp with short rail on metal sheet roof or on flat roof with east-west-systems.
If you are interested in such a collaboration, feel free to contact me to get further informations.
A first test can be done in January/February on a 150-250 kWp project in East-Belgium…
Inserent & Kontakt
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