Industrie, Gewerbe & Logistik Herstellung, Verarbeitung & Handel Textilien & Bekleidung


Inserent Kontakt freischalten
Ort 50354, Hürth - NRW
Inseriert am 26.08.2020
1. Cut uni color fabric (0,06m x 0,09m)
2. Cut fabric with pattern (0,16m x 0,09m)
3. Iron non-woven on fabric with pattern (0,16m x 0,09m)
4. Pushrivetinfabricwithpattern
5. Sew both fabrics with 3 seams (small seam opening for label necessary)
6. Turn the loops from the inside to the outside
7. Push in magnets on both sides
8. Sewing: 2 seams to fix magnets.

The MOQ should be around 500..

The fabrics, the non-woven, the rivets etc. would be provided with each order.
Inserent & Kontakt
Anzeigen-ID: 80093
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