Industrie, Gewerbe & Logistik Herstellung, Verarbeitung & Handel Textilien & Bekleidung

Wir suchen eine Produktionsfirma für Baumwoll-Wickeltaschen

Inserent Kontakt freischalten
Ort 10115, Berlin
Inseriert am 28.06.2023
Suchwörter Packaging
We are looking for a production partner for baby changing bags made of cotton. We currently have one model and will produce this ins different fabric designs.

- We're a young start up and will begin with small production volumes and hoping to grow them as we go.
- We're looking to use European cotton for our production
- As we're based in Greece and Germany, we are keen to produce in a European country as well.
- If you can provide a full-lifecycle service (incl. sourcing, printing, production, packaging) we'd be really keen to hear from you.

We're looking forward to connecting with you and discussing first steps and samples etc.
Inserent & Kontakt
Anzeigen-ID: 136048
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