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Tourism Property for Sale *** UNIQUE ARCHITECTURE ***

Inserent Dr.Kaya
Ort Türkei
Inseriert am 04.08.2023
Suchwörter Hotel, Expansion, Istanbul
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

on behalf of our clients we offer a very interesting hotel property for sale:

Tourism Hub Spot Resort
- Top -location in Turkey.
- 14.500 m2 area
- Extravagant 12 design houses at the lake.
- 15 new houses under construction, ready in 2023
- Expansion of capacity up to 45 houses possible.
- 4 seasons with high occupancy rate
- Popular destination for national and international tourism
- View of lake and nature
- Absolute serenity

Great location:
150 km to Istanbul airport
90 km to Sabiha Gökcen Airport
14 km to Kartepe Ski Centre

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at: [email protected]

Freundliche Grüße / Best regards
Alexion Managementpartners GmbH
Division: Exclusive Investment Partner
14193 Germany

#zuverkaufen #Hotelimmobilien #Hotelverkauf #forSale #hotel realestate #hotel sale
Inserent & Kontakt
Anzeigen-ID: 138509
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